
Here are my new pages sorted by date. The german Version of my homepage contains a huge tutorial section.
Critical Mass Dortmund Critical Mass Logo für Dortmund, Download SVG File Apr 2024
4 Wow Effects color2, color3, color4, color5 July 2024

Tile Tool 6

Tile Tool 5

I have made some new Tesselation Pictures like the artist M.C. Eschers But I have also programmed 2 new Versions of the Tile Tool Programs, to make Tesselations easier. May 2024
CSS Scroll Animation German Tipps CSS Scroll Animation. Apr 2024
CSS filter Generator CSS Filter Generator online Apr 2024
CSS backdrop-filter Generator CSS backdrop-filter Generator online Apr 2024
CSS background-blend-mode

CSS background-blend-mode checkout online German Tutorial

Apr 2024
Vocable learn Vocable Program, english german Okt 2022
Industrial 3D 3D Effect programmed with AnimateCC Virtual Camera Okt 2022
Planet Gravity Interaktive Anwendung zur Veranschaulichung der Anziehungskraft und Planetenbewegungen Sep 2022
WoW-Effect Similar pictures with dissolve Effect Sep 2022
many new images at digital art Aug 2022
actor game A little game to learn the name of Hollywood Actors and Actresses. Juli 2022
Pixel Painter Be a Pixel Painter Juni 2022
Swirl n Twirl a little programmatic Snippet for the startpage of Pastor Pixel Jun 2022
Nature Mirror Picture Nature 1 / Nature 2 / Nature 3 May 2022
Javascript Image Gallery In my Tutorial about Javascript Image- Galleries I have 2 new ones with Explantions in german. Even with the source Code you may learn something. May 2022
Javascript Tutorial Update Javascript Tutorials in german May 2022
Homages to the Square Animation as Homage to my famous uncle Josef Albers. Mar 2022
psycedelic animations Voodoo Tree / Burning Bush / Breeze June 2021
Scrambler Drag and Drop Tiles of a picture to create new Pictures May 2021
Tile Tool App to create seamless tiles a lá Escher Apr 2021
Slideshow Slideshow June 2020
Video Javascript Videoplayer Navigation Javascript Tutorial Apr 2020
Sound Javascript Soundplayer Javascript Tutorial Feb 2020
Colorful Cow seamless Pattern Feb 2019
Gittes Kronkorken Website für Gittes Kronkorken Sammlung Dez 2018
Corel Draw Tutorials 4 Corel Draw Tutorials (german). Impact / Text & Table / LiveSketch / LiveSketch Praxis Dez 2018
CSS Grid Video Tutorials in 3 parts (Grid 1, Grid2, Grid 3) see also CSS Grid german Dez 2018
Navigation Tutorial Responsive Menue, Hamburger Menue without Javascript, Step by Step (german) Nov 2018
Image Gallery Tutorial Image Gallery with Javascript, a Step by Step Tutorial Nov 2018
360° Panorama Panorama landscape Nov 2018
360° Panorama Tutorial Video Tutorial Adobe Photoshop CC und Animate CC, Panorama Nov 2018
Audioplayer Audioplayer Tutorial Javascript Jul 2018
Game Germany Canvas Game Apr 2017
Animate CC dragDrop Drag and Drop Tutorial für Animate CC Canvas EaselJS Apr 2017
Affinity Photo Affinity Photo Tips und Video- Tutorials Nov 2016
Robo Band Interactive Robo Band, made with Flash Canvas / Javascript Okt 2016
3D Modells Man with Gold Helmet. / Wreckfish / Insect / Crokodile / Animalman/ Gargoyle / IronOger / Alien / Poppy / King Poppy / Terror Chicken / Spider / Aug 2016
Flash Factory Some new interactive Animations, old rusty Robots, Insects and Machines. See also HTML5 Version May 2016
Download "Download"-Section in a new Look/ old Version Jukebox Jan 2016
Flash CC Canvas HTML5 Flash Canvas HTML5 Beispiele Anleitungen Tipps Hilfen aktualisiert Jan 2016
Pink Elefant HTML5 Javascript Game, made with Easel JS / SmartPhone Version Dez 2015
Pharao my first, "nice" 3D Model Okt 2015
Website Dentist Stuyver extraordinary Website made with Flash, published as HTML5/ Javascript Oct 2015
3D Animation 3D Animation with music. Here is a second Version at Youtube Sep 2015
Homage to the Color Albers Square online. Time setup upper right Corner. Aug 2015
Housemusic Flash Animation with Music from me. Juli 2015
Major Minor Tool Music harmonics learning tool Mar 2015
Race Classics / Cobra Update "Race Classics"responsive Website, Cobra Classic Cars, Mar 2015
Hollywood Game Do you know famous Actors and Actresses? Game (HTML5 / Javascript) Feb 2015
HTML5 CSS3 Effekte Some Animations und 3D Effects made with HTML5 / CSS3 and Javascript. Feb 2015
Wohnsitz-Mallorca Website Job Feb 2015
Rechtsanwalt Linnebank Website Job Dec 2014
color Spiral colored Spirals Flashprograming Sep 2014
Haus Flair Haus Flair responisve Website Sep 2014
Fahnentex Fahnentex: Flags, Banner, Beachflags, Website with epsonsive Design Sep 2014
Interactive Lines Flash Animation with Mouse Movement Aug 2014
Anagram Image Psycedlic Picture, you can make different combinations. Mar 2014
Selfportrait Selfportrait old Scetch Style Feb 2014
Adam The Creation of Adam (by Michelangelo), a Flashanimation / Interpretation Feb 2014
Glasbutton Photoshop Video Tutorial, Glasicon german Jan 2014
Icon PHotoshop Phothoshop Video Tip in german, Icon Frames Jan 2014
Cogwheel Photoshop Photoshop Video- Tutorial in german language, Cogwheel Jan 2014
Html5 Game Das Kopfnuss Game in Html5 Version Dez


Kopfnuss GAME Flashgame Dez 2013
Html5 Effect Monsterhead , Pseudo 3D Html5 Dez 2013
Panorama Html5 Interactive Panorama programmed with Html5 Javascript EaselJS Okt 2013
Flash Worm Selfportrait as Deep Sea Monster, interactive Flash Animation Okt 2013
Actor Quiz Hollywood Actors Quiz. June 2013
Circles Starling Adobe Molehill and programmed with Starling. Circle Animation, Flash Plugin 11 recommended May 2013
Trigo animation Math ist beautiful, Circles in Motion May 2013
Game Pipocon Update of a game, programed by Michael Morawietz, Design by me Michael Albers Feb 2013
html 5 Animation Interactive Animations without Flash with html5 canvas, html5 Tipps in German Jan 2013
USA States Game Learning the states of USA, german Aug 2012
Escher Papermodels 35 new Papermodels with escherlike Tesselations made by myself Aug 2012
Melody Game Melody Memo Game, Training your braining June 2012
Villa Dassel new Google Earth / Sketchup 3D Model, my 3D Warehouse page Jan 2012
Bärenhunde Homepage, german Dogs Jan 2012
Painting Painting with Painter Aug 2011
Photosynth Photosynth is no longer supported. Here you get the story behind it. Aug 2011

Cyclos game

Flashgame programmer M. Morawietz, designer von Michael Albers June 2011
Goa psycedelic Palmtrees June 20100
Curtain Flash Effect June 2011
Kaleidos Cam psycedelic Webcam, Flood Webcam May 2011
Clouds Water Flash german Flash AS3 Tuts: , Perlin Noise, Threshold, fileReference


Dortmund 3D Google Earth Plugin is needed, to see more than 100 Sketchup buildings made by myself May 2011
Warhol yourself warholize your own image with Warholizer 1 and Warholizer 2 May 2011
Rorschach 3 Flasheffects May 2011
on-design My professional Webpage with a new Retro Design Feb 2011
Snake Interactive snake with mousemovement Oct 2010
3D Picture "The Chamber of 32 Doors" or "The inner Monolgue" Aug 2010
Papermodel A papermodel of a nice old house Mar 2010
3D Models Google Earth I have made a lot of buildings for the competition "Model your Town" from Google Earth. You can find the buildings in Google Earth by searching for " Brackeler Hellweg, Dortmund ". y Modell-Collections here. More Collections of "Model you Town" competion here. Mar 2010
Papermodels 6 new papermodels of regular houses of Dortmund germany Aug 2009
Sugar & Spice Flash Website and Shop: makeup, beauty, hairstyle, photo, events July 2009
Desktop Skarabäus 3 desktop pictures,Picture1, Picture2, Picture3, Picture4 May 2009
Goa Goa psycedelic. Flash Vibrations / I have been in Goa 1978-1981 May 2009
Panoramic Photos new panoramic photos on my Panoramio Account Feb 2009
Industrie Pano Total Pano View, Phönix Dortmund for Microsoft HD Plugin Feb 2009
Oriental Picture theme: Desktoppic, Textures, Screensaver, Screensaver Download Feb 2009
alpine home solutions Homepage Job Oct 2008
Music Songs my Music, self composed and self made songs Sep 2008
Screensaver mystic Mandala Screensaver "Cherub" & Desktop-Pictures Aug 2008
MirrorIt 2.0 mirror pictures online, Download free Offline Version Aug 2008
Flash 3D 3D objects interactive, scaling and rotatting with Papervision / Flash Jul 2008
Screensaver nice psycedelic screensaver Jul 2008
9 new pictures psychedelic desktop pictures Jul 2008
Fahne & Mast new homepage job about flags Jul 2008
Spore Creatures download free version at Jun 2008
Ravenking jump & run Onlinegame , one level Apr 2008
Tarot Tarot cardgames, customer: Hajo Banzhaf, Mar 2008
lenormand cards you can save the arrangement of the cards in a database Feb 2008
3D google Earth 80 buildings 3D for google Earth Jan 2008
Medieval Song my first self made song Jan 2008
Vides Eventum Homepage Job Dez 2007
Rechenmarathon Math Game for Kids Sep 2007
Spirograph interactive Spirograph / Flash Sep 2007
Shopprogram interactive Flashprograming for online Shop Aug 2007
Car Driving Flash Drive the car, nearly a game Jul 2007
Kaleidoscope as Flashanimation / as Screensaver / ls Desktop Picture Jul 2007

my Webcam, sometimes its online.

Jul 2007

desktop picture, Distances of planets with a google map example (german)

Jul 2007
Papermodel 3D Objects made with the Escherversteher Jun 2007
Sepia Flasheffect, here you need some patience Jun 2007
Escher Explorer *** try to make tiles like MC Escher see some pics May 2007
Fliesenleger turn the tiles and make some Escherpatterns example May 2007
Game OrnaMental Logic game / Flashgame / play also OmaMental May 2007
Auto-Motorrad Anröchte Homepage Job May 2007
Garten Kästner Homepage Job Apr 2007
Como Homepage Job, Como International Marketing & Vertrieb Mar 2007

Snake interactive Screensaver

Mar 2007
3 Desktop Pictures

Foambath & Ganesh

Feb 2007
Grunch Pic

interactive Flashpic, drag your mouse to see the picture

Feb 2007

4 Desktop pictures Giger like

Jan 2007

Homepage Job

Dez 2006
Warhol Action

Andy Warhol effect, Photoshop Action free download

Dez 2006
Photoshop Actions

download actions for text effects and old photo effect

Dez 2006

some inspirations in my german Tipps Section

Nov 2006

something for kids to play

Nov 2006
Cafe Do it

Cafe / Restaurant in Dortmund / Germany

Okt 2006

homepage job/ content created by client

Okt 2006
drawing online

draw your own picture online and save it

Aug 2006

Ghost of Pastor Pixel / Flash Effect

Aug 2006

Puzzle / Psycedelic Picture

Aug 2006
Face Mirror

2 halfs of a face with flash

Aug 2006

Psycedelic Screensaver / Eyecandy

Aug 2006

Programatic Movement made with Flash

Aug 2006
Psycedelic Art

Pics and FX in psycedelic Art Essay (only in german)

Aug 2006

Kaleidoscope made with Flash

Jul 2006

12 Desctop pictures / Caleidoscope

Jul 2006

my peculiar version of Long Way Home / Supertramp

Jun 2006

14 Desctop pictures / Mandalas

May 2006

new guestbook

May 2006
Style sheet

change the size of the browserwindow, tut: Webdesign, Stylesheet

May 2006

Kaleidoscope made with Flash

Apr 2006
9 wallpapers

9 psycedelic Wallpapers at Freestuff

Apr 2006

Homepage Job

Mar 2006
deerhound wallpaper

for all Deerhound fans Wallpaper

Mar 2006

new Domain, 3 random Startpages, Version 1, Version 2, Version 3

Mar 2006
Lilith wallpaper

2 new Wallpapers: Lililth Kartenlegen

Mar 2006
pics at flickr

new pictures at , username: pastorpixel

Mar 2006
Spiral Optic

Flasheffect optical FX, Trancespirals

Feb 2006
Cobra Cars

illustrative Flashmenue for Cobra Classic Cars

Feb 2006
point 70

interaktive Flashpicture, polka dots

Jan 2006

Panorama pictures

Jan 2005
Flower 70

Pixelflowers, inactive Flasheffect

Jan 2006

Skypics from Warstein Germany interactiv Super Size 3,5MB

Seb 2005
Google Earth

Download Google Earth plugins of German Villages

Okt 2005

interactive startpage with flash

Seb 2005
virtual Keyboard

virtual keyboard with flash

Seb 2005

Pastor Pixel Logo ancient Bibel Style

Aug 2005
Elektro Lilith

new Wallpaper and Screensaver or take a look

Jul 2005
Music Band

small interactive Band

Jul 2005

Drawing with Flash

May 2005
stopwatch prog

a little program for stopping the time.

Apr 2005
Game Coocidle

Update of a Flash Game

Jan 2004
game Labyrinth

Update of a flash game called Labyrinth

Jan 2004
Leo Game

flash games for kids, client: Lingen, publishing house

Nov 2004
Cobra Interface

Interface for Race Classics / Cobra Cars

Nov 2004
3D Villa Vrml

villa in a park, Vrml plugin needed

Nov 2004

Trippi Screensaver

Okt 2004

interactive snake with programatic movement in flash

Oct 2004
car trip 3D

small 3D Animation, movie ca.520 kb

Sep 2004
Sky pics

Balloning at the Warsteiner Internationale Montgolfiade

Sep 2004
ZaBaG 3D ZabaG factory, 3D View of the building Sep 2004

Homepage for dentist Wolanski from Dortmund

Aug 2004

Paragliding Screensaver of Reinholds Flugschule (my flying teacher)

Aug 2004

Flashfilm, Paragliding

Jul 2004
Antik König

Homepage for an Antiques and Art merchant

Jul 2004
Texture CD

Order my texture cd of city surfaces

May 2004
5 Textures

Gras & Leaves at Freestuff / Texturen / Life

May 2004
3D Blasisus Java

Blasius animal as Panorama view with Java

May 2004
3D animal

Blasius an animal inspired by Patrick Woodroffe

May 2004
fairy Fantasy Picture: wallpaper & screensaver May 2004
Java Face

face fade fx

May 2004
super Text FX

Flash Text effect, nice eyecatcher

Mar 2004
3D works

3D objects, inverse kinematic, bones, animation

Feb 2004
ZaBaG homepage relaunch, flash-navigation, job Jan 2004
Biofarm Picture Freestuff Wallpaper Desktop-pic for personal use Jan 2004
Oracles Flash 5 Oracle-games with flash, only german versions Dez 2003
3D Citiy VRML work in VRML Plugin needed Nov 2003
Ari /Homepage Homepage for Ari Plikat / Cartoons & Illustrations


dvd Flashintro 2 Intros 1 Banner / Flash Oct 2003
Screensaver Holy Saver, Pastor Pixel Screensaver download 420kb Sep 2003
Coocidle Game

a nice new Flash game

Aug 2003
Wallpaper a few desktop pics for your computer Juli 2003
Gif Animations a fewGif Animations at Freestuff / Giffanimationen July 2003
Metal Texture metal with bump-texture (Freestuff) see alsot stone and metal June 2003
Debbi Flash, Faces May 2003
Spaceships 4 Anfy Java Applets Panorama Bryce pictures May 2003
Tripfield 2 Anfy Java FX / inner worlds/ Land1 and Land2 May 2003
Textures Stone and Life a few new textures May 2003
meteor03 space game Mar 2003
Game Flash game for kids, drag and drop Mar 2003
Mandala Mandala Gif Animation, Freestuff Gif Mandala Mar 2003
Mandala Mandala Gif Animation, Freestuff Gif Mandala Mar 2003
Flash menue Drag and Scrollmenu Feb 2003
Flashsound sound slider in Flash, inspired by eyeball design Jan 2003
Picture Interface Dez 2002
Picture Self Dez 2002
Picture Master of Matrix Dez 2002
Portal Flash alternative doorwaypage for my site Nov 2002
ABC game Learning Alphabet for kids, german flash game Nov 2002
Labyrinth game Flash Game, find objects in a labyrinth Nov 2002
Gine & Pea game a little game for young kids Okt 2002
Killer.exe a new flash-game, but the work is not finished yet Sep 2002
Intro intro with new turn over pages Aug 2002
Bug Highscore the buggame with a Highscore Liste Aug 2002
Circus Fliegenpilz custom work, common projekt Juli 2002
fiala job, homepage, flash menue July 2002
Maus FX a few new effects with mouse-movement in flash July 2002
Game with Highscore Flashgame with Highscore-list July 2002
Looking Glass Effekt with Flash 192 kb June 2002
Clock Flash programmatic clock May 2002
Tennis game TV game of the 70th May 2002
Flash games actualisation of some flash games for example the UFO game May 2002
flashconference Winner of the 4.german Flash-Conference 2002 Yippiiiieee!!!! Apr 2002
Insect a simple Flash game for kids Apr 2002
Flash Animation a Filmprojector, animated Flash movie Apr 2002
Banner a few new small link icons Apr 2002
Advocat intro Flash intro, custom work, advocat Apr 2002
Maus Flash a new mousemovement Flash FX Feb 2002
Flash Effekt mousemovement Flash Flowers Feb 2002
on_design Intro Flash Intro for my on-design Homepage Feb 2002
card game flash Memory like game with flash Jan 2002
4 flash FX 4 programatic movements / atomic galaxies Jan 2002
fischers lagerhaus Flash Intro / Job Dec 2001
Intro CD UFO Common project Flash Intro for commercial cd, Illu: Helmut Teubner Oct 2001
Zukunftsblick Homepage Job Oct 2001
"Speed King" game this is a new Flash racing game Oct 2001
UFO game a new Flash Game Sep 2001
Flash animation with mousemovement , die the word map in a Art Display Aug 2001
Flash text input text input with Effects Jun 2001
Flash start new Flash start page Jun 2001
Sonneborn new homepage Job not ready May 2001
fisch game I have updated my little fisch game May 2001
new desktop pics some new desktop pictures at freestuff May 2001
chicken game in Flash new Flash game / check out Infos in english May 2001
Mouse FX in Flash another new Flash Effect / move and click your mouse May 2001
Light FX in Flash many new Flash movies / Light FX May 2001
artwork menue new artwork menue in flash Apr 2001
flash for kids some simple games for learning mouse handling Mar 2001
flash game a new Flash game with bugs Mar 2001
Flash line interactive bauble with lines Feb 2001
Webcam if you are lucky, my webcam is online, but you have to be very lucky Jan 2001
Painting & Airbrush painted and airbrushed pictures with a new Flash menue Jan 2001
Computer Art new Startpage with flash menue for my Computer Images Jan 2001
Java 2 new menues and an new opening-page Jan 2001
Flower Flash Flasheffect by mouse movement Jan 2001
Ouija Brett in Flash Ouija for calling dead spirits :-) Jan 2001
Constab Flash Menue Flash Menue Jan 2001
3D View Java Applet with 3D panorama view Dez 2000
Flash Intro new Flash Intro for the Pastor Pixel homepage Nov 2000
Portfolio Menu Flash menue with preview to the homepages Okt 2000
Flash Menu new Flash Start with new menu Okt 2000
Blub Flash Game Okt 2000
english version english version of my homepage, translated by Christine Aug 2000
Constab homepage June 2000
Coruma Electronic homepage Electronic Trader June 2000
Schaustellerfahrzeuge homepage May 2000
Stahlbau Baumhus homepage made with Flash May 2000
Irox homepage with Flash Game May 2000
Kuchenmeister homepage (common Project) Apr 2000
Freestuff Texturen some Textures in the Freestuff Section Apr 2000
Farbprofile Color Profiles for Windows Jan 2000
fischers-lagerhaus homepage (Furniture) Jan 2000
Puzzle a new java effect, puzzle Oct 1999
Caleidoscope a new java effect by Tsutomu Ishikura Sept 1999
Romantic Globe homepage Sept 1999
Interact Juwelier interactive page at Aug 1999
Brycepic1 Brycepic2 2 pictures at Computer Art July 1999
Roboterschweissen homepage July 1999
Schuppich Java java effect July 1999
Schuppich selfportrait, full size version 90 kb June 1999
Jeweler Gruttmann homepage June 1999
Select-O-mat new menue May 1999
Java metal menue menue made with Islide pro by Image Intelligence May 1999
Java Menu menu made with Islide pro by Image Intelligence May 1999
Metal Menue menu made for a contest at Image Intelligence imint May 1999
FREE STUFF !!! icons, buttons, wallpaper, textures, fonts, gif animations, Apr 1999
Galaxy java effecte made with Anfy Java Java Section Apr 1999
CRX homepage Apr 1999
Deep Meditation new picture Art / Computer Art Apr 1999
Fish new picture Art / Computer Art Mar 1999
Eyes Flash movie Feb 1999
Goldgod new Java effect Feb 1999
Guestbook guestbook CGI Script by Thomas Henke Feb 1999
Morf a new java effect Feb 1999
Interactive Pictures 2 interactive dragable pictures Jan 1999
pictures some psychedelic pictures Jan 1999